Dr. Abdullah Al Mamun Khan
Oncologist (Cancer)
MBBS and MD (Oncology)
Assistant Professor , Department of Oncology
Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Abdullah Al Mamun Khan is a Cancer Specialist in Dhaka.
His credentials are MBBS and MD (Oncology).
He works as an assistant professor in the Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College & Hospital's oncology department.
He sees his patients at Labaid Cancer Hospital & Super Speciality Center on a daily basis.
- MD (Oncology)
- Assistant professor - Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College & Hospital.
- Stem Cell Transplantation,
- Ovarian Cancer,
- Lung & Mediastinal Tumors,
- Soft Tissue Sarcoma,
- Pancreatic Cancer,
- Cancer of Stomach,
- Gastro-Intestinal Cancer,
- Giant Cell tumor,
- Cervix cancer,
- Skin Tumors,
- Soft Tissue Sarcoma,
- Genitourinary Cancers,
- External Beam Radiation for Prostate Cancer,
- Sentinel Node Biopsy,
- Cancer Surgery,
- Cancer Screening (Preventive).
- Lymphoma,
- kidney Tumor,
- Gynecological Cancer,
- Cancer Vagina,
- Breast Cancer,
- Brachytherapy,
- Splenectomy,
- Giant Cell tumor,
- Head and Neck Tumor,
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