Dr. ABM Shakil Gani
Gastroenterologist (Gastric)
MBBS, MD(Gastro)
Consultant, Department of Gastroenterology
Sheikh Hasina Medical College, Tangail
Dr. ABM Shakil Gani is a Gastroenterologist in Savar. His credentials are MBBS and MD (Gastro). He is employed by Tangail's Sheikh Hasina Medical College as a gastroenterology and medicine specialist. At Savar's Popular Diagnostic Center, he treats his patients on a regular basis.
Gastroenterology is the function and diseases of the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon and rectum, pancreas, gallbladder, bile ducts, and liver. The physician with dedicated training management of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver; called Gastroenterologist.
- MBBS - Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery.
- MD(Gastroenterology) - Doctor of Medicine.
- Consultant - Sheikh Hasina Medical College, Tangail.
- Bladder Cancer Surgery,
- Cirrhosis
- Colonoscopy
- Hemorrhoids
- Small intestine
- Ulcerative Colitis Treatment,
- Liver Disease Treatment,
- Acidity Treatment,
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome,
- Peptic / Gastric Ulcer Treatment,
- Hepatitis A Treatment,
- Steatosis,
- Colon,
- Hepatitis B Treatment,
- Hepatitis C Treatment,
- Bladder Cancer Surgery,
- stomach,
- mall intestine,
- Wilson's Disease Treatment,
- Ulcerative Colitis Treatment
- Cirrhosis, Colonoscopy
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