Dr. Ayesha Hasina
Pediatrician (Child)
Consultant , Department of Pediatric
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University
Dr. Ayesha Hasina is an ENT Specialist in Dhaka. His credentials include MBBS, MD, FCPS, MCPS in ENT. He is employed with the Dhaka Medical College and Hospital as an ENT specialist and surgeon. She treats his patients at the BRB Hospital in Dhaka on a regular basis.
Pediatrics is a discipline that deals with biological, social & environmental influences on the developing child. A pediatrician is providing medical care for children who are acutely or chronically ill but also preventive health services for healthy children.
- MBBS ( Shaheed Ziaur Raman Medical College Bogra).
- FCPS ( Bangladesh College of physian and Surgeon).
- MD (Bangobandhu Sheikh Mujib ) medical university).
- MCPS (Bangladesh College of physian and Surgeon).
- Working Experience - Bangabondhu Sheikh Mujib Medical university , Dhaka Shishu hospital , Apollo hospital Dhaka , Universal hospital ( former Ayesha Memorial hospital ).
- Consultant - BRB Hospital.
- Adolescent Medicine,
- Pediatric Neurosurgery,
- Pediatric Solid Tumor,
- Chickenpox,
- Genetic Disease,
- Congenital diseases,
- Pediatric Neurosurgery,
- Bronchial Asthma Treatment,
- Vaccination/ Immunization,
- Development Assessment,
- Pediatric Solid Tumors,
- Limping Child,
- Pediatric Surgery,
- Neonatal Surgery,
- Newborn Jaundice,
- Pediatric Urology,
- Bronchial Asthma,
- Respiratory Tract Infection,
- Measles,
- Membership:
Member of Bangladesh Pediatric Association ( BPA)
Member of pediatric & neonatal critical care learning group
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