Dr. Mohammad Mamunuzzaman
Cardiologist (Heart)
MBBS(CMC), MD(Cardiology)
Assistant Professor , Department of Cardiology
Shaheed M. Monsur Ali Medical College, Sirajganj
Dr. Mohammad Mamunuzzaman is a Cardiologist in Dhaka. His credentials are MBBS(CMC), MD(Cardiology). He works as an assistant professor for the Shaheed M. Monsur Ali Medical College, Sirajganj.'s department of cardiology.
Cardiology is a branch of internal medicine - which includes the heart and blood vessels. The doctor who works with patients with heart disease or cardiovascular disease is called a cardiologist.
- MBBS - Chittagong Medical College.
- MD(Cardiology) - Doctor of medicine.
- Assistant Professor - Shaheed M. Monsur Ali Medical College, Sirajganj.
- Spine Conservative,
- Congenital and acquired deformity correction,
- Back Pain Treatment,
- CT Angiogram
- Carotid Angioplasty and Stenting
- Coronary Angiogram
- Heart Transplant, Heart Conditions
- Trans-esophageal ECHO
- Temporary Pacemaker
- BP Monitoring
- Color Doppler
- Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring
- Holter
- Monitoring
- 2D - Echocardiography (2D-Echo)
- Echocardiography
- Fetal Echocardiography
- Cardioversion
- Non-Invasive
- Cardiac Ablation
- Cardiac Catheterization
- Cardiac Rehabilitation
- Acute Aortic Dissection
- Aortic Valve Surgery
- TAVI (Trans catheter Aortic Valve Implantation)
- Aortic Aneurysm Surgery / Endovascular Repair
- Carotid Artery Disease
- Rheumatic Heart Disease Treatment
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