Dr. Tanveer Bin Latif
Nephrologist (Kidney)
MBBS, MRCP (UK),Specialty Certified in Nephrology (UK)
Associate Professor & Head, Department of Nephrology
Dhaka Medical College
Dr. Tanveer Bin Latif is a Nephrologist in Dhaka.
His credentials are MBBS, MRCP (UK),Specialty Certified in Nephrology (UK).
At Dhaka's United Hospital's Nephrology Department, he serves as a Consultant.
He treats his patients in the United Hospital in Dhaka on a regular basis.
The internal medicine subspecialty of nephrology focuses on treating kidney-related illnesses.A sort of physician known as a nephrologist focuses on treating kidney disorders.
- MBBS - Dhaka Medical College in 2000.
- MRCP - The Royal College of Physicians of the United Kingdom in 2008.
- Fellowship - National University Hospital (NUH), Singapore with emphasis on Critical Care Nephrology and Renal Transplantation in 2011.
- Specialty Certified in Nephrology - The Renal Association (UK) and The Federation of Royal Colleges of the United Kingdom.
- Associate Professor and Head of the Department - Uttara Adhunik Medical College.
- Consultant - United Hospital.
- Hemodialysis,
- Kidney Transplant,
- Adult Nephrology,
- Urinary Tract / Bladder Stones Treatment,
- Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy,
- Peritoneal Dialysis,
- Sigmoidoscopy,
- Lithotripsy,
- Ureteroscopy,
- Hemodiafiltration (HDF),
- Kidney Failure Treatment,
- Renal (Kidney) Surgery,
- Renal Replacement Therapy,
- Hemodiafiltration,
- Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy,
- Chronic Kidney Disease,
- Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) treatment,
- Lithotripsy,
- Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy,
- Adrenalectomy,
- Laparoscopic Nephrectomy,
- Ureteroscopy,
- Adrenalectomy
- Interest - Kidney Glomerular Disorder and has performed close to 150 Renal Biopsy procedures so far.
- Participate - international seminars on Kidney Disease and Diabetes
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