Dr.Bijoy Sankar Parial
MBBS, MS (Orthopedic), BCS (Health), AO Trauma (Switzerland)
Consultant , Deparment of Orthopaedic
Universal Medical College & Hospital
Dr.Bijoy Sankar Parial is an Orthopedic Surgeon in Dhaka.
His credentials are MBBS, MS (Orthopedic), BCS (Health), AO Trauma (Switzerland).
He is employed by Universal Medical College & Hospital in Dhaka as an orthopedic and Trauma Surgeon.
He treats his patients in the Universal Medical College & Hospital in Dhaka on a regular basis.
- MS (Orthopedic)
- BCS (Health)
- AO Trauma (Switzerland)
- Consultant - Universal Medical College & Hospital.
- Back Pain Treatment,
- Neck Pain Treatment,
- Epidural Transformational Injection,
- Facetal Injection,
- Robotic Calipers / Injections,
- Spine Injury,
- Spinal Fusion,
- Spinal Cord Injury Treatment,
- Spinal Disorders,
- Spinal,
- Disc Surgery,
- Spinal Therapy,
- Neck and Spine Biopsy,
- Back Pain Treatment,
- Neck Pain Treatments,
- Congenital and acquired deformity correction,
- Spine scoliosis and kyphosis,
- Spine 3D Printing
- Regenerative Technique,
- Epidural Transformational Injection,
- Facetal Injection,
- Robotic Calipers / Injections,
- Spine 3D Printing,
- Joint Pain Treatment Endoscopic Disc Surgery,
- Neck and Back pain Clinic,
- Spine Conservative,
- Congenital and acquired deformity correction,
Select Your Required Chamber & Time Slot
ha-90/2, North Badda (Pragoti Sharoni), Rampura, Dhaka, 1212, Bangladesh
Follow Up : 7 days from 1st visit
74G/75, New Airport Road (Beside Mohakhali Flyover, Tejgaon Ind. Area, Dhaka, 1215, Bangladesh
Follow Up : 7 days from 1st visit