Prof. Dr. Md. Afzalur Rahman
Cardiologist (Heart)
MBBS, MD (Cardiology), PhD (Cardiology)
Professor & Head, Department of Cardiology
National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases (NICVD)
Prof. Dr. Md. Afzalur Rahman is a Cardiologist in Dhaka.
His credentials include an MBBS, MD in cardiology, PhD in cardiology, FRCP in Glasgow, FRCP in Edinburgh, and a FACC (USA).
His position at the National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases & Hospital is that of a Clinical & Interventional Cardiologist.
At Bangladesh Specialized Hospital, he treats his patients on a regular basis.
Cardiology is a branch of internal medicine - which includes the heart and blood vessels. The doctor who works with patients with heart disease or cardiovascular disease is called a cardiologist.Education:
- MBBS - Rajshahi Medical College in 1984.
- MD - National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases under University of Dhaka in 1992.
- PhD - University of Dhaka in a collaboration with Alabama Medical Center, Birmingham, USA in 2004
- Fellowship - Interventional Cardiology from National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases (Dhaka, Bangladesh), Hospital Charles Nicolle (Rouen, France), Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University (Bangkok, Thailand) and Medical College of Georgia (Augusta, Georgia, USA) between 1998 to 2001
- Assistant Professor - National Center for Control of Rheumatic Fever and Heart Diseases and Mymensingh Medical College.
- Professor & Head of Department - Sir Salimullah Medical College in 2009 to 2012.
- Director and Professor - National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases.
- Senior Consultant - United Hospital Ltd.
- Heart Transplant, Heart Conditions
- Trans-esophageal ECHO
- Temporary Pacemaker
- BP Monitoring
- Color Doppler
- Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring
- Holter
- Monitoring
- 2D - Echocardiography (2D-Echo)
- Echocardiography
- Fetal Echocardiography
- Cardioversion
- Non-Invasive
- Cardiac Ablation
- Cardiac Catheterization
- Cardiac Rehabilitation
- Acute Aortic Dissection
- Aortic Valve Surgery
- TAVI (Trans catheter Aortic Valve Implantation)
- Aortic Aneurysm Surgery / Endovascular Repair
- Carotid Artery Disease
- Rheumatic Heart Disease Treatment
- CT Angiogram
- Carotid Angioplasty and Stenting
- Coronary Angiogram
- Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillators (ICDS)
- Chairman and Course Director - Bangladesh Interventional Therapeutics (BIT), Governor, American College of Cardiology (ACC), Bangladesh Chapter and Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Invasive and Clinical Cardiology.
- Examiner - Post-graduate Cardiology examination of BSMMU, Dhaka University and others.
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Plot 15, Road 71, Gulshan,, Gulshan, Dhaka, 1212, Bangladesh
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