Prof. Dr. Suraiya Begum
Pediatrician (Child)
Professor & Head , Department of Pediatric
Prof. Dr. Suraiya Begum is a Child Specialist in Dhaka.
Her credentials are MBBS, DCH, FCPS.
At the United Hospital in Dhaka, He is a pediatrician.
She treats his patients at the United Hospital in Dhaka on a regular basis.
Pediatrics is a discipline that deals with biological, social & environmental influences on the developing child. A pediatrician is providing medical care for children who are acutely or chronically ill but also preventive health services for healthy children.Education:
- MBBS - Dhaka Medical College in 1983.
- DCH - Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University in 1997.
- FCPS - Bangladesh College of Physician and Surgeons (BCPS) in 2005.
- Working Experience - BIRDEM and Ibrahim Medical College, Shaheed Monsur Ali Medical College, Z.H. Sikdar Women`s Medical College and Shahabuddin Medical College.
- Professor & Head of the Department - Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University.
- Senior Consultant - United Hospital.
- Thyroid Disease in Children,
- Chickenpox Treatment,
- Genetic Diseases,
- Infant & Child nutrition,
- Vaccination/ Immunization,
- Skin Disease Treatment,
- New Born Care,
- Vaccination/ Immunization,
- Fever Treatment,
- Childhood Infections,
- Thyroid Disease in Children,
- Diabetes in Children,
- Child Development Disease Treatment,
- New Born Care,
- Newborn Jaundice,
- Preterm newborns,
- Children's Health,
- Viral Fever Treatment,
- Health Checkup (Pediatric),
- Bronchial Asthma Treatment,
- Congenital Disorders,
- Growth & Development,
- Development Assessment,
- Respiratory Tract Infection Treatment
- Child Development Disease Treatment,
- Growth & Development Evaluation / Management,
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