Chevron Eye Hospital, Chittagong

Chevron Eye Hospital, Chittagong
Licence No. N/ALevel-7, 12/12 O.R. Nizam Rd, Panchlaish, Chattogram, 4203, Bangladesh
Chattogram City is the second dense populated city in Bangladesh and about 60 lac people reside in Chattogram Metropolitan area. Every year a large number of population adds with the present population. To meet the growing need of eye care facilities of the population, still there is dearth setup of modern equipped eye health care center. With that end in view and to meet the higher demands to improve the eye care facilities as well as to provide wub-specialized services to the people of this region the Chevron Eye Hospital and Research Center has been set up at Panchlaish, Chattogram with all modern equipments and instruments including all other facilities. A group of renowned Oththalmologist and surgeons of the country with the support of highly trained Mid-Level Eye Care Personnel's are providing eye treatment and performing necessary surgeries to the patients. With the establishment of Chevron Eye Hospital and Research Center not only a large number of eye patients of Chattogram region are receiving improved eye care services but people of the country are also beigh benefited and receiving sub-specialized eye cre facilities.