Hi-Care General Hospital Ltd.

Hi-Care General Hospital Ltd.

Licence No. N/A

Hot-line (24 hours)
+88 01778949055

House#24 & 26 , Lake Drive Road, Sector#7, Uttara Model Town, Uttarkhan, Dhaka, 1230, Bangladesh

Hi-Care General Hospital & Diagnostic Centre Ltd. started its journey as Hospital & diagnostic centre in June 2013 with a Promise to render the possible standard service to the people of the country at an affordable cost and in turn to limit the outflow of the patient abroad at the expense of heard earn foreign currency. When I started working in medicine department of BSMMU, I saw that thousands of people of our country are going to abroad every year only for treatment. The country was losing millions of taka worth foreign currency. That time I felt, as a Doctor I must do something about it. I had the spirit but didn’t have the resources. From that inspiration I started Hi-Care General Hospital & Diagnostic Centre Ltd.

Bangladesh is a developing country. We have tremendous scope and potentiality in our industry especially in health sector. Basically my father was a Teacher. None of my family members were engaged in business. My dream was to be a physician. But necessity and circumstances force me to start hospital & diagnostic business. Challenges and problems are many. But solving strategies are very few and precise. As a businessman we should relentlessly concern about our commitment and quality.

Our Mission
*To participate in the creation of healthier lives within the community. *To provide healthcare services in a fiscally responsible manner which contribute to the physical, psychological, social and spiritual well being of the patients and community which it serves. *To carry on educational and research activities related to the provision of care to the sick and injured or related to the promotion of health.
Our Vision
Vision Hi-care General Hospital will Create healthier communities by creatively challenging individuals to be more responsible for their personal health status. Relentlessly pursue unparalleled quality, value, patient, customer and staff satisfaction. Create the national model for integrated health care service deliver. Be cherished as the best place to come for care and the best place to work.
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