Sheikh Russel Gastroliver Institute & Hospital

Sheikh Russel Gastroliver Institute & Hospital
Licence No. N/ABeds: 250
Mohakhali, Tejgaon Ind. Area, Dhaka, 1212, Bangladesh
Sheikh Russel Gastroliver Institute & Hospital is a glorious example of patriotism, commitment and determination of benevolent Prime minister Her excellency Sheikh Hasina to emancipate the healthcare facilities to a standard level as dreamt by the people of this country. Establishment of this examplery Institute was possible because of Her extraordinary vision, constant supervision and guidance. Honourable Minister, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of the People Republic of Bangladesh Mr. Zahid Maleque MP was the key person to drive forward to reach the destination accommodating, managing and thus overcoming all the challenges in this difficult journey to finally establish this Institute. Due to his avid attachment to this noble effort He becomes the integral part of Gastroenterology and Hepatology in this country. He cared it constantly to grow like a child. In addition, all out help from all personnel of all levels of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Director General of Health services, Ministry of Planning, PWD need special mention for outstanding effort and contribution to materialized the project.
It is a 250 bedded hospital located at Mohakhali TB gate, Dhaka, containing both adult and paediatric Medical and Surgical gastroenterology departments along with modern world class GI Endoscopy suite, GI physiology lab, OT complex, 16 bedded ICU, Pathology lab, PCR lab, Radiology department and department of transfusion medicine. The latest series of different instruments, 3Tesla MRI with PACS, CT scanner are introduced for the first time in Bangladesh which are now standing out as symbol of quality. The well equipped conference hall with IT facilities, modern skill lab and class rooms are the posh additions to organisation of a modern GI armamentarium. A group of dynamic highly talented and skilled blend of young and senior specialists of different specialties are outstanding workforce working incessantly to convert it to a state of art institute in the world. Our commitment is to substantially contribute to science and to provide standard healthcare service trustworthy to all.