Sir Salimullah Medical College & Mitford Hospital

Sir Salimullah Medical College & Mitford Hospital

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Mitford, Dhaka -1100, Shahbagh, Dhaka, 1100, Bangladesh

Sir Salimullah Medical College is a government medical college in Bangladesh. It is located in the old part of the capital, Dhaka.It is affiliated with the University of Dhaka. Mitford Hospital is the first and Sir Salimullah Medical College is the best medical college of Bangladesh.

Mitford Hospital Started its journey on 1st May,1858. This was the frist general Hospital of the eastern part of undivided British ruled Bengal. Mitford Hospital is named after Sir Robert Mitford, Collector of Dhaka and a longserving judge of the Provincial Court of Appeal.

On 1st July 1875, Dhaka Medical School Started its Journey. On the 2nd April 1887, foundation stone.

On 1st July 1875, Dhaka Medical School Started its Journey. On the 2nd April 1887, foundation stone of new school building was laid W.R Larminie Commissioner Dhaka Division. It was opened by Sir SC Bayley, Lt Governor of Bengal on 22nd September 1889. In 1903, Nawab Sir Salimullah donated money to establish, maternity and female eye word. Dhaka Medical School was changed to Medical College in 1962 and it was named Mitford Medical College. In 1963 the college was named after Nawab Sir Salimullah(1871-1915) "Sir Salimullah Medical College" to acknowledge the contributions of the Nawabs.

During 1963-1972 condensed courses for MBBS degree was offered.

In 1972 Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Father of the Nation, Upgraded it as a full-fledge medical college and the first batch student of MBBS degree enrolled in 1973.

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