Dr. Mahboob Rahman Khan
Respiratory Specialist
Family Physician , ,Department of Family Medicine
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University
Dr. Mahboob Rahman Khan is a Family Medicine Specialist in Dhaka.
Her credentials are MBBS, MD(USA).
He treats her patients at the United Hospital in Dhaka on a regular basis.
Family Medicine
Family medicine is the medical specialty that provides continuing, comprehensive health care for the individual and family across all ages, genders, diseases, and parts of the body.
- MBBS - Dhaka Medical College in 1983.
- MD - USA in 1997.
- FMD (Diploma in Family Medicine) - University of Science & Technology Chittagong in 2011.
- Working Experience - Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University and Dhaka Medical College & Hospital.
- Family Physician - United Hospital.
- Dengue Fever Treatment,
- Obesity Treatment,
- Gastroenteritis Treatment,
- Geriatric Healthcare,
- Cough Treatment,
- Typhoid Fever Treatment,
- Measles Treatment,
- Jaundice Treatment,
- Skin Rash Treatment,
- Vaccination/ Immunization,
- Migraine Treatment,
- Arthritis Management,
- Health Checkup (General),
- Viral Fever Treatment,
- Infant & Child nutrition,
- Malaria Treatment,
- Men and Women Wellness Screening,
- Abdominal Pain Treatment,
- Chickenpox Treatment,
- Foot infection,
- Nebulization,
- Immunity Therapy,
- Balance Exercises,
- Dressings,
- Hand Pain
- Treatment,
- Allergy Testing,
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Plot 15, Road 71, Gulshan,, Gulshan, Dhaka, 1212, Bangladesh
Follow Up : 7 days from 1st visit