Asso. Prof. Dr. Liton Chandra Ghosh
Nephrologist (Kidney)
MBBS,FCPS(M), MD(Nephrology)
Associate Professor , Department of General Surgery
Popular Diagnostic Center in English Road
Asso. Prof. Dr. Liton Chandra Ghosh is a Nephrologist in Dhaka. His credentials are MBBS,FCPS(M), MD(Nephrology).At Popular Diagnostic Center, English Road, he often treats his patients.
Nephrology is a specialty of internal medicine that focuses on the treatment of diseases that affect the kidneys. A nephrologist is a type of doctor that specializes in treating diseases of the Kidney.
- MD(Nephrology)
- Associate Professor - Popular Diagnostic Center in English Road.
- Kidney Failure Treatment,
- Renal (Kidney) Surgery,
- Renal Replacement Therapy,
- Hemodiafiltration,
- Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy,
- Chronic Kidney Disease,
- Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) treatment,
- Lithotripsy,
- Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy,
- Adrenalectomy,
- Laparoscopic Nephrectomy,
- Ureteroscopy,
- Adrenalectomy
- Hemodialysis,
- Kidney Transplant,
- Adult Nephrology,
- Urinary Tract / Bladder Stones Treatment,
- Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy,
- Peritoneal Dialysis,
- Sigmoidoscopy,
- Lithotripsy,
- Ureteroscopy,
- Hemodiafiltration (HDF),
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House # 2, English Road, Ray Shaheb Bazar, Chawk Bazar, Dhaka, 1100, Bangladesh
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