Dr. Ashia Ali
MBBS, FCPS (Anesthesia), Diploma (Anesthesia), and FIPM (India).
Senior Consultant , Department Of Anesthesia
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University
Dr. Ashia Ali is an Anesthesiologist in Dhaka.
Her credentials are MBBS, FCPS (Anesthesia), Diploma (Anesthesia), and FIPM (India).
She works as a consultant in the anesthesiology department of United Hospital in Dhaka.
She sees patients at United Hospital in Dhaka on a regular basis.
Anesthesia is the specialty concerned with the total perioperative care of patients before, during, and after surgery. The doctor who gives a patient medication, so they do not feel pain when they are undergoing surgery is called an Anesthesiologist.
- MBBS - Rangpur Medical College under University of Rajshahi in 1986.
- FCPS (Anesthesia) - Dhaka Medical College in 2003.
- Diploma (Anesthesia) - Dhaka Medical College in 1998.
- FIPM (India)
- Working Experience - Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (2003-2014).
- Consultant -Evercare Hospital.
- Senior Consultant - United Hospital.
- Musculoskeletal Infections,
- Arthritis & Pain,
- Sciatica Management,
- Cancer Pain,
- Palliative Services,
- Spinal Disc Surgery,
- Knee Arthritis,
- Cardiac Anesthesia,
- Neuro Anaesthesia,
- Arthroscopy,
- Knee Replacement,
- Trigeminal neuralgia,
- Spinal Fusion,
- Disc Prolapse,
- Osteoporosis,
- Joint Replacement Surgery,
- Chronic Pain,
- Cardiac Anesthesia,
- Musculoskeletal Infections,
- Arthritis,
- Sciatica,
- Spinal Disc Surgery,
- Neuro Anaesthesia,
- Knee Replacement Reconstruction & Rehabilitation,
- Arthroscopy,
- Disc Herniation,
- Trigeminal Neuralgia,
- Lumbago,
- Osteoporosis,
- Tailbone Pain,
- Skill - Epidural injection, PRP (platelet rich plasma) therapy, ozone (O3) discectomy, dry needling, radio frequency ablation etc in minimizing different painful conditions.
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