Dr. Shafiul Azam Quadry
Pulmonologist (Chest)
Consultant , Department of Pulmonology
Japan Bangladesh Friendship Hospital
Dr. Shafiul Azam Quadry is a Pulmonologist in Dhaka. His credentials include MBBS(Dhaka), BCS(Health), CCD(BIRDEM), MRCP(MEDICINE -UK), MD(PULMONOLOGY). He is employed at Japan Bangladesh Friendship Hospital .He treats his patients at Japan Bangladesh Friendship Hospital on a regular basis.
Pulmonology is the area of medicine that focuses specifically on the pulmonary system. A pulmonologist is a doctor who specializes in lung conditions, diagnoses and treats diseases of the respiratory system.
- MBBS - Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery.
- BCS (Health) - Bangladesh Civil Sercice.
- CCD - Birdem.
- MRCP (Medicine) - UK
- MD (Pulmonology) - Doctor of medicine.
- Consultant - Japan Bangladesh Friendship Hospital
- Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
- Allergy and Asthma clinic
- Asthma
- Asthma Allergy
- Asthma In Children
- Bronchial Asthma Treatment
- Chest Disease
- Chest Disease Treatment
- Chest Pain
- Chest Pain Treatment
- Childhood Asthama-Management and Counselling
- Diseases of the Chest
- Paediatrics - Chest
- Pediatrics – Chest
- Respiratory Conditions
- Respiratory Failure
- Respiratory problems
- Chronic Asthma
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Follow Up : 7 days from 1st visit